Tel: 03-6263-8812
鮨 すがわら ロゴ





◆お問い合わせ先 電話番号:03-6263-8812

Thank you very much for visiting our website. Next month’s regular holidays will be February 2nd (Sunday), 16th (Sunday), 19th (Webnesday), 23rd (Sunday)~24th (Monday). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate for your understanding. If you have any inquiries or concerns, please feel free to contact us by e-mail.
◆Contact e-mail:


◆お問い合わせ先 電話番号:03-6263-8812

Thank you very much for visiting our website. Next month’s regular holidays will be January 1st (Wednesday)~6th (Monday), 12th (Sunday), 19th (Sunday), 26th (Sunday). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate for your understanding. If you have any inquiries or concerns, please feel free to contact us by e-mail.
◆Contact e-mail:

正 統 派 江 戸 前 鮨 を お 楽 し み く だ さ い 。

30年間の修業を経て、この度、銀座に「鮨 すがわら」を構えました。




「鮨すがわら」店主 菅原英樹


Experience and enjoy the traditional edomae sushi

30years sushi chef experience, Sushi Sugawara has opened a location in central Ginza, Tokyo.

Edomae sushi depends on five combinations, rice, vinegar, green horseradish, seafood with chef heart and soul.
We dedicated the selection and blend of rice and best-seasoned vinegar, selection of horseradish and freshest seasonal seafood from Toyosu market every morning. Each hand-picked sushi called “Nigiri” contains Sugawara spirit.

Hoping guests can experience and enjoy the authentic edomae sushi with the classical wooden interior, creating an aura of peace and relaxation.

We have some staff who can serve in English and are looking forward to seeing international guests from all over the world.

Hideki Sugawara, Grand chef



住所 / Address: 〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座8-7-9金六ビル3階
3F Kaneroku Building 8-7-9 Ginza, Chuo-ku, TOKYO, 104-0061 JAPAN
電話 / Tel: 03-6263-8812(日本語)
For oversea guest, please make reservations through concierge of your hotel or
send us e-mail.
営業時間 / Hours: 夜の部 / Dinner 6:00PM~10:30PM
※Our business hours will be changed upon request from government agencies.
定休日 / Regular Holiday: 不定休 / Irregular holiday
※Close during Obon(middle of August) and New Year seasons
※Monthly regular holiday posts and updates on news column.
おしながき / Main course: おつまみとにぎりのディナーコース 35,200円(税込)~
Grand Chef’s Otsumami(side dish) and Nigiri (sushi) dinner course JPY 35,200(including tax)~

おつまみとにぎりのプレミアムディナーコース 46,200円(税込)~
Grand Chef’s Otsumami(side dish) and Nigiri (sushi) premium dinner course JPY 46,200(including tax)~

※Please make a reservation within 3 business days of your requesting visit date.

お飲み物 / Drink: ビール・日本酒・焼酎・ワイン・シャンパン各種
Japanese finest draft beer, sake, shouchu, wine and champagne
席数 / Seats:
カウンター席 9席
Counter 9seats        10seats are only available with chartered
個室 1室 (2~4名様) Private room per room (2~4 guests)
お願い / Request: 皆様におくつろぎ頂けますよう全席禁煙となります。満12歳未満のお子様のご利用はご遠慮させて頂いております。香水・整髪料は周りのお客様へご迷惑がかからない範囲でご配慮頂けますようお願い申し上げます。
All seats including a private room are non-smoking.No children age 12 or under at our restaurant, please.Respectfully request guest to refrain from wearing strongfragrance like perfume and hair dressing.


〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座8-7-9金六ビル3階
TEL : 03-6263-8812

オンライン予約 Online reservation